Assessments Used Schoolwide
Degrees of Reading Power (DRP)
The DRP is a tri-annual reading assessment that measures students reading levels from an elementary level up through a college level. The students' results help teachers guide instruction in supplemental literacy programs and across content areas by providing not only individual reading levels, but national percentile scores for others throughout the country as well as defining students' abilities aligned to the Common Core State Standards. After each assessment, students design reading and test goals for the next administration.
Regents Aligned Final Exams
At the end of the first and second trimester, students are assessed using teacher designed, Regents aligned exams to serve as benchmarks for student achievement and need as well as to assist in placement for third trimester courses. Exams provide ideas for the students on material they will be responsible for when they sit for Regents in either January or June. Exams are required to be submitted to administration approximately 1.5 weeks ahead of exam dates for approval.
Regents Exams
Regents Exams are biannual exams taken by the students in January and June to determine fluency in a given subject. During this time, students only attend school when an exam is required, but staff is required to serve as proctors and potential scorers for exams. Regents are three hour exams that generally consist of multiple choice and constructed response questions. General Education students require a minimum passing score of 65 and Special Education students require a minimum passing score of 55, however the expectation is that all students will strive for mastery level of 85. Samples of recent Regents exams can be found here.