For Parents
Positive parent engagement at UAM is a priority. Our students’ success is a combination of families, teachers and students working as a unit. Many parents believe that once their student is at high school level, they no longer need to be actively involved. This is far from the truth. High school is the last opportunity many parents have to be actively engaged in their students' education and is a very important time for young adults being that these are the years that prepare them and guide them towards what life path to choose. Understanding what enables your student to be successful and what NYC High School Graduation Requirements are is a crucial step in being actively engaged in your students' education.
Participating in informative workshops and events that your students' school facilitates, is the second step to being actively engaged and most importantly, always remaining in contact with your students' guidance counselor and teachers. At UAM we strive to keep parents informed and engaged. We hope that you are very well acquainted with our effort to maintain you informed and welcome any comments, questions or suggestions as to how we can improve our practice. Thank you for trusting us with your students' education and we hope to see and hear from you soon!
Useful links:
For information regarding what is going within the NYC Department of Education:
For information regarding Special Education services with the NYC Department of Education:
Division of Family and Community Engagement: Parent Leadership, Education Councils, Parent Events, Parent Coordinators:
New York City Resources: Civic Services, Education, Culture & Recreation, Public Safety, Transportation, Social Services, Housing & Development:
idNYC Info:
Online Tool for Benefit Eligibility and Application: ACCESS NYC:
Alternative Pathways to Graduation: